The soil is the great connector of lives. The source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. -Wendell Berry [The Unsettling of America]
Poultry, beef and eggs produced on pastures tend to be higher in iron and Omega 3 fatty acids, higher in antioxidants like Vitamin E and have a lower Omega 6:3 ratio. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body while Omega 6 fatty acids increase inflammation. Eating pasture raised meat and eggs helps to move this balance in the right direction.
The flavor of pastured raised meat is different, and superior to that of confinement animals. If you are what you eat, then animals raised on pasture are so much more than corn and soy. Animals raised on pasture can eat more seeds, green grass and legumes and bugs than animals in a confinement house. This all adds up to a more flavorful product for your family.
Animals are meant to be on pasture moving daily. Raising animals this way has a net positive affect on the environment instead of the negative affect of confinement animals. Open air and sunlight lead to fewer diseases which means antibiotics are not in the feed of every animal. Animals are not standing in their own waste because they move to new fresh ground every day leaving it behind to go back into the soil, the way nature intended!
When we say our animals are pasture based we mean that they are on green grass for the majority of their life and they are moved to new, fresh pasture every day! (Baby chicks must stay in a brooder for the first couple weeks of life so they stay warm and safe). The keys here are green grass and movement. Come see the difference animals make on the pasture and taste the difference the pasture makes on the meat.
Confused about the 'label' on grocery store eggs, watch this video from American Pastured Poultry Association.